Snap shots from 2nd world war museum Kohima

Museums offer an exclusive entertaining experience of getting up close to things we usually only see in guides, magazines or on the television. Through the exhibition & public display of artifacts one can easily immortalize & glorify the historic events of the past & help it perpetuate! Here is a glimpse of the 2nd World…

2nd World War Cemetery Kohima

Attending the Hornbill festival in Kohima and not visiting the World War II cemetery is most unlikely. Yes! There is a much beautifully preserved and maintained War Cemetery which has also been graced by Prince Andrew, Duke of York, in 2012.  Commanding a view among the picturesque beauty of Kohima is the Kohima War Cemetery, built-in tribute…

Starting Again: with “The Hornbill Festival”

After almost three months now, I am not sure where I should begin from! It would not be entirely true, if I put the cause of my no show entirely on my job. Yes, I did feel lazy or somehow did not want to write though I had substance. In the last three months, I…